The JAKALs + Flavour LA

*Special Double Bill Event

The JAKALs + Flavour LA


The Jackals : 8.30pm

The Jakals​ ​是綜合美日德的融合爵士風格新樂隊,曲風奔放,脫離傳統爵士的拘束並令人易懂投 入,中間各個樂手的獨特風格使樂曲充滿渙然一新的活力,期待聽眾的共舞! ——————————————————————————————————————————- –

(SAX)​ ​James​ ​Liu​ ​是留美多年的專業管樂演奏家,曾就讀美國南加大和著名豎笛教授Yehuda Gilad​ ​拜師。他​ ​精通古典,藍調,歐美流行,南方/現代爵士,拉丁,以及民族樂曲。​ ​在留美時段 曾全職參與搖滾樂隊​ ​Beautiful​ ​Gambler,​ ​以及經營得過“樂隊大戰”​ ​(Battle​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Bands)​ ​第一名 的新潮搖擺樂隊​ ​“Cats​ ​with​ ​Class”.

Ikumi​ ​Koyama​ ​(小山鬱美)
​ ​爵士鋼琴手,歌手,表演工作者。出生於日本橫濱,除了母語以外通中英中語言。日本自幼2歲時開始學習古典鋼琴, 14歲就開始去國外念書。大學就讀尚美學園大學(Shobi​ ​University)爵士音樂系,主修爵士鋼琴演奏,在學期間曾獲得 學校的交換機會赴紐約州立大學(New​ ​York​ ​City​ ​College)學習爵士鋼琴,副修爵士唱歌,師事Bebop爵士鋼琴名家Barry Harris,留學期間亦積極在紐約的爵士酒吧參與Jam​ ​Session。大學畢業後於日本橫濱的爵士酒吧固定演出,其後有兩 年的時間在澳洲、從事表演、教學工作,也有去北京演出。 2013年來台,於國立台灣師範大學學習中文,學到中文之後開始在台灣音樂方面的工作,現在在Brown​ ​Sugar(黑糖餐 廳​ ​Live​ ​and​ ​Restaurant),​ ​Marsalis​ ​Home​ ​Taipei,​ ​Marsalis​ ​Kaoshiong,Sappho​ ​Jazz​ ​Live,​ ​雅痞書店音樂會,台北愛樂 ,露西亞咖啡店,MAJI​ ​MAJI​ ​集食行樂市集,Breez信義百貨工司等演出。並發展音樂生涯,擔任台大騷動爵士大樂團 鋼琴手、師大爵士樂社指導老師,並2016年台北爵士音樂節在中山堂大廳隨巴拿馬爵士樂手們

鼓手​ ​張鈞賀
2007年於建中熱音社開始習鼓,畢業於台大資訊管理學系,退​ ​伍不久後決定展開音樂職涯路。喜愛所有groovy的音樂, 非常熱​ ​愛人們在音樂藝術及現場演奏中表現的性格、情緒與對話美。
曾演出場地如:​ ​​ ​Sappho​ ​live​ ​jazz、西門河岸留言、China​ ​Pa中國父、Woollomooloo​ ​out​ ​West,​ ​Bobwundaye、女巫 店、中山光一咖啡Rev​ ​Now、西雅圖​ ​咖啡、宜蘭縣演藝廳、Pipe​ ​live​ ​house、TAV國際藝術村、勿忘​ ​我咖啡小館、二 條通​ ​綠島小夜曲、Red​ ​Room紅房國際藝術村……​ ​等。
曾於各類音樂節及活動演出如:​ ​台北爵士音樂節、台中爵士音樂節、POW​ ​WOW​ ​Taiwan​ ​音樂祭、​ ​愛雷克雅維克爵士 音樂節、朱銘美術館夏日爵士、Blues​ ​Bash​ ​台灣藍調音樂節、爵士大樂團嘉年華、光點公益演唱會、輔大​ ​爵士音樂 節、自由咚嘻鼓打派對、台大藝術季……等。
現任:​ ​Night​ ​Rhythm,​ ​台大騷動爵士大樂隊,​ ​Muddy​ ​Wolfe​ ​等團鼓​ ​手
曾參與/合作樂團包括:​ ​Tony​ ​&​ ​the​ ​Rockits,​ ​DC&​ ​Funk​ ​Duds,​ ​JJ&​ ​the​ ​Catz​ ​,The​ ​Flat​ ​Five,​ ​The​ ​Wild​ ​Alibis,​ ​Per​ ​Vivo音 樂團隊等
近年致力鑽研Jazz,Funk,Fusion曲風,並將其融入各類型的音樂​ ​演奏

(Guitar)​ ​​ ​Axel​ ​​ ​Kirsch
吉它兼歌手達人,來自德國,與帥國人,伸舌耗力,The​ ​Beatle​ ​Nuts​ ​演出,並作台北各處兼有表演。

(Bass)​ ​小宇 樂團經歷:

國內外藝人及團體NEO​ ​G3​ ​Taipei演唱會、Neil​ ​Zaza、Dragon​ ​Force,​ ​Marty​ ​Friedman, Michael​ ​Angelo…演場會暖場樂團。 國內演唱會樂手:吳蓓雅PiA、江志豐、李翊君、王心凌、金曲歌王荒山亮、范逸臣、南 拳彈頭、宇豪、楊培安Rock​ ​the​ ​night、林曉培、劉偉仁、鄒女高慧君、高蕾雅、信、星 光超偶林鴻鳴、鍾天慧、艾怡良、卓義峰…現場演場樂手;擔任表演樂團馬蹄楊Marty Young​ ​Band、Monster​ ​Band、HOT​ ​SHOCK​ ​SHOW​ ​BAND…等樂團貝斯手。 駐唱演出:

新加坡金沙酒店、HARD​ ​ROCK​ ​CAFÉ、The​ ​Wall、犁原餐廳、卡邦餐廳、天母犁榭、 ABS​ ​PUB、BS1、遠企好萊塢星球餐廳、雙溪小鎮、米丘餐廳、FARM​ ​HOUSE、女狼俱 樂部、木船餐廳、RODEO澳洲餐廳、法愛餐廳、99​ ​PUB、瓦奇奇、一枝春、Jazz、 ASS、MUSIC​ ​WALKER、饗樂餐廳、新竹犁舍、台中犁棧、宜蘭阿帕契PUB…等知名夜 店。



Flavour LA : 9.30pm

Masaki Toraiwa (Guitar)

Ex-Department head of IAP program at Musicans Institute Hollywood,

Ex-Chief Director of MI Japan.

Original “Jennifer” for the infamous “Tony Band”

First Product Specialist for Taylor Guitars in Asia.

Known for his funky rhythmic style and ripping raw guitar solos, Masaki keeps the energy level way up for this band.

In Taiwan, you might know him as “Jennifer” from the sexy and very well known actor, Tony Oki’s  famous rock act, Tony Band.

Toshihito Kaneto (Keys)

Not only is Toshi a very busy and popular all-style player, he is also known as a Composer/Arranger, and his music has been placed in Japanese TV commercials etc. Having studied in LA and being a regular instructor at MI Japan, he is an extremely popular educator as well. His versatile style is a stark contrast to Masaki’s guitar playing and makes up the core sound of Flavor LA.

Yasuyuki Saiga (Drums)

Yasuyuki started playing drums at age 15, and has toured and recorded with numerous famous Japanese artists including Kinki Kids, the legendary Saori Yuki, and performed in New York with his own band, “Otsukare Japan”.

Also a popular drum instructor at MI Japan, he endorses Gretchen, Gibraltar, and Zildjian. Adding to his multiple talents, he has started his own music live bar/school in Shinjuku, Tokyo. He lays down a solid groove but also gets to show his versatility in this band.

HIroyuki Ogawa (Bass)

Hiroyuki studied at MI Japan and also teaches there. He has also played/recorded with many famous Japanese artists including MIkio Fujioka. From Metal to Funk to Jazz, his cool bass lines are the foundation of the Flavor LA sound.


Entrance Fee 入場費: $300

Minimum One Drink Purchase 低消 飲料一杯

Bar Opens 開始營業 : 8pm

Music Starts 表演 : 9.30pm

Happy Hour:

1AM to Close

For Table Reservations Call : 2700-5411 (Call After 8pm Any Night Except Monday)

預約訂位專線:2700-5411 (除週一公休日外, 請於每日下午八點過後來電)

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